Bay Primary School
Making a Splash
Class teachers: Mrs. Ashman (Emerald Class) and Mrs. Robson (Turquoise Class).
Supporting Adults: Mrs. Chapman (Emerald Class), Mrs Waines and Miss Scarlett (Turquoise class)
Homework is handed out on a Friday and to be returned the following Thursday. Homework club is on a Monday lunchtime if the children would like help with any of the questions, although staff are willing to spend breaktimes and lunchtimes with those who need additional help and support to complete tasks where needed.
Voluntary Homework
Homework activities have also been set on Purple Mash for all children in Year 6. These are activities that help consolidate previous learning and are an ideal task to reinforce what has been taught. Tasks are set every half term and can be done at any time. At the end of each half term, children will be rewarded house points for completion of activity. Please note - these are not compulsory tasks and have been set for those who are eager to improve their knowledge and skills in various areas of the curriculum.
Home Reading
We expect all our children to read at least 3 times a week. Please record this in their home-reading log. Children in Year 6 need to improve their reading fluency and stamina and therefore we advise they read for 15 minutes a session. Children are rewarded for completing at least 3 reads a week in their own time. In Year 6 the number of reads is counted on a Friday, however we do check books daily.
The Royal Navy
On the 18th November, we were lucky enough to be visited by The Royal Navy. They came in to talk to us about careers within the Navy and also shared their experiences with us. We then took part in the Flarebox Fun activity where we worked together to create a flare out of paper and then we were able to test it outside.
PE & Games
Outdoor Games is on a Wednesday afternoon. Children should have appropriate outdoor footwear (trainers), joggers, full length leggings or tracksuit trousers and a jumper, hoodie or sweatshirt.
Indoor PE is Tuesday afternoon.
Children should have navy blue shorts and a yellow round-neck t shirt. Children will not be able to use apparatus in gymnastics when wearing leggings, joggers or tracksuit bottoms.
PLEASE NOTE: Jewellery should not be worn on the days of indoor PE and outdoor games. Children will be expected to remove jewellery themselves and be responsible for the looking after their own jewellery.