Bay Primary School
Making a Splash
As part of their topic 'Who am I and Where do I Belong?' Year 1 created a portrait in the style of Pablo Picasso. Picasso's cubist paintings combine elements such as flatness, reducing and adding features from different perspectives. The Year 1 children fully enjoyed creating themselves in such a surreal and different perspective to the pencil self portraits they had produced in the previous art sessions.
In their superhero topic, Year 1 studied the artwork produced by the Brazilian artist, painter and sculptor Romero Britto. Romero Britto is a Pop artist and he uses vibrant colours, lines and abstract compositions to create his artwork. Year 1 created words in the style of Romero Britto by using paints and pastels to achieve the vibrant Pop art colours and included a variety of shapes, lines and patterns in their work.
In ICT they also created digital art work in the style of Romero Britto and applied their knowledge of his style and techniques.