Bay Primary School
Making a Splash
Our first core text is based around the animation Broken. In this unit the children will be recapping all word classes, identifying what a sentence is looking particularly at the subject and verb agreement. They will also expand their vocabulary by using different synonyms and antonyms in their work. Using the grammar focuses above, they will then write Broken from either the perspective of Paper or Scissors.
Our second core text for this half term is based on the picture book The Undefeated, Long Walk to Freedom. Our grammar sessions will focus on modal verbs, formality, pronouns, parenthesis and the use of the passive. Drawing on the above, the children will then write a biography on a significant figure who fought for justice and freedom.
Our class text for this term is Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson.
Recommended Texts
What is a refugee? – Elise Gravel
Dreams of Freedom – Amnesty International
Boundless Sky – Amanda Addison and Manuela Adreani
The Journey – Francesca Sanna
My name is not Refugee – Kate Milner
When Stars are Scattered – Victoria Jamieson
Wisp: A Story of Hope – Zana Fraillon
The Boy at the Back of the Classroom – Onjali Rauf
This term we will be completing Chapter 1 of our ‘Maths No Problem’ - place value focusing on reading and writing numbers to 10,000,000, rounding numbers to the nearest million, hundred thousand, ten thousand, thousand and hundreds, comparing numbers using < and > and ordering numbers from greatest to smallest and vice versa.
Chapter 2 will focus on the four operations – multiplying, dividing, addition and subtraction. We will be covering the BIDMAS/BODMAS rule, multiplying and dividing 4-digit numbers and using our arithmetic skills to solve simple and complex word problems.
Chapter 3 will focus on fractions. Children will be consolidating previous learning as well as introduced to new skills such as dividing and multiplying fractions. This chapter will continue into the second half term.
Home Learning Ideas
Continuing to improve their times table fluency and knowledge up to 12x12, reading numbers up to ten million in figures and words, using formal methods for long multiplication and division. Purple Mash activities have been set for children to consolidate their skills and knowledge with fractions.
Our Science unit for this half term is Living Things and their Habitats. In this unit the children will:
Our Geography will be focusing on physical and human features of a country of our choice and understanding the significance of the lines of longitude when planning journeys and knowing time zones throughout the world. The second part of our Geography focuses on migration of people. We will be studying types of migration, the push and pull factors for migration and the advantages and disadvantages migration can have on populations and the lives of people. At the end of the half term. children will be expected to use everything they have learnt to write an extended balanced argument titled: Is migration a positive or negative process?
PE (include days and kit)
Outdoor PE – Wednesday. This half term we will be focusing on Netball where they will develop their understanding of attacking and defending principles of invasion games.
Outdoor kit: black or navy joggers, track suit bottoms, leggings, yellow t’ shirt, black, navy hoodie or sweatshirt. Trainers are compulsory. Please check if trainers fit your child. No logo or character hoodies or sweaters.
Indoor PE – Tuesday. This half term we will focus on Dance where they will have the opportunity to choreograph, perform and provide feedback on dance.
Indoor Kit: Yellow t. shirt and navy shorts. No joggers, tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Hoodies and sweaters will not be worn. Trainers are advised this half term due to the nature of dance but not compulsory.
Our topic for this term is Justice and Freedom. By the end of this unit pupils should be able to explain what freedom and justice, forgiveness and reconciliation mean; they show how this is demonstrated in the lives of people of different faiths and worldviews.
Our first computing unit is Blogging. This unit will give children a basic understanding of how to plan, create and present their own blog in a controlled and safe environment.
In French children will:
Present an authentic French poem.