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Bay Primary School

Making a Splash

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Class teachers:

Miss Ibbotson (Coral Class) and Mrs Green (Orange Class)


PE & Games

Outdoor Games is on a Tuesday afternoon. Children should have appropriate outdoor footwear (trainers), joggers, full length leggings or tracksuit bottoms and a jumper, hoodie or sweatshirt.

Indoor PE is on a Thursday morning. Children should have navy blue shorts and a yellow round-neck t.shirt. Full length trousers, joggers and leggings are not appropriate for indoor PE sessions.


Home Reading

It is expected that every child reads at least 3 times a week, and more where possible.

When you have listened to your child read, their reading record must be completed and signed by an adult.

Children's reading logs MUST BE IN SCHOOL EVERYDAY especially on a Friday in order to count their reads for our classroom reading display.

Children will receive house points and stickers when they have achieved 3 or more times that week and certificates will be awarded once each reading milestone is achieved. 
