Bay Primary School
Making a Splash
Physical Education at Bay Primary School!
Our Physical Education Co-ordinators are Miss A Bastiman and Mrs C Faulkner. We also have a PE and Well-being Apprentice, Miss H Swales.
At Bay Primary School, we aim to provide a minimum of two hours physical education per week for all pupils.
We raise the profile of physical activity throughout the school and ensure that pupils understand the benefits and importance of physical activity. Here at Bay Primary School, it is a priority to engage and include all pupils in physical activity.
Appropriately qualified professionals are invited to contribute towards the provision of our physical education curriculum. All year groups in school will get the chance to work with professionals in sport during their time at Bay Primary School.
We provide lunchtime and after school clubs and regular opportunities to compete in sport, both within school and locally, to promote physical activity, healthy lifestyle and competition.
We have age-appropriate, safe and stimulating areas to encourage play and activity. This includes activities set up and monitored by our PE and Wellbeing Apprentice.
We monitor pupil's levels of involvement in physical activity inside school through playground challenges. We also reward engagement in these challenges with the aim of increasing pupil participation.
The physical education curriculum at Bay Primary School is designed to develop skills and understanding in sport. It is wide-ranging, accessible to all, challenging and engaging.