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Bay Primary School

Making a Splash

Spring Term

Our topic during the Spring term is:

'Rivers and Mountains.'


This term, we will be studying the book 'River Singers' by Tom Moorhouse during our guided reading sessions. In English, we will focus on the picture book 'A River' by Marc Martin and 'The Little Raindrop' by Joanna Gray.                                              



During English lessons this term, the children will write an explanation text based on changing states and use their knowledge from their science lessons to help support with this. The children will perform the narrative poem 'A River' by Valerie Bloom and also retell the story of The Little Raindrop with a particular audience in mind. Whilst they are learning about mountains during their topic sessions, they will produce a diary entry of a mountaineer and will also produce a persuasive letter about water conservation.



At Bay Primary School we follow the Maths No Problem scheme and during the Spring Term we focus on the chapters: Fractions, Graphs, Time, Decimals and Money.



In our science lessons in the Spring Term, we focus on the units 'Sound' and 'States of Matter'. During 'States of Matter' the children will group and compare materials, they will observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled in addition to identifying the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle. During 'Sound' we identify how sounds are made, we recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to our ear and find patterns between the pitch and volume. 




In History, we cover the objective, 'The lives of a significant individual or event'. Within this unit, we learn about what life was like living in India during the early 1900's and what Gandhi did to improve the lives for Indian's. We will also find the answers to the key questions below:

Who was Gandhi?

Why was Gandhi a significant individual?

What impact did Gandhi make to the lives of Indian’s living in India and others around the world?



In Year 4, we identify the features of rivers and mountains and look at the mountain ranges. The children will also research rivers around the world where they will locate the mouth and source of each river. The water cycle is also discussed during geography to link in with our science unit.



In Art, we look at the artist Thomas Cole and create reflections using acrylic paints based on his paintings.


Physical Education

During indoor PE for the first half term we have an external gymnastics coach where the children learn to develop their skills in forwards rolls, backwards rolls, cartwheels, headstands and various other balances. In the second half of the term our unit is 'Goalball'. Children develop their knowledge and skills of the game throughout the sessions which leads to a mini league game at the end.

In outdoor PE, children learn and develop their skills in football and tennis.


