Bay Primary School
Making a Splash
Attendance % - Target 95%
Year Group Week ending 07.02.2025 Cumulative from 4th September 2024
Reception 92% 93%
Year 1 91% 94%
Year 2 90% 94%
Year 3 88% 90%
Year 4 93% 94%
Year 5 94% 95%
Year 6 94% 92%
Whole School 92% 93%
FFT National Latest Attendance available w/e 31.01.2025 94.30% Yorkshire and Humber 94.6%
Colour Team Attendance Week ending 07.02.2025
Blue 92.0%
Green 92.0%
Red 94.2%
Yellow 91.2%
At Bay Primary School we recognise the importance that good attendance and punctuality have in ensuring that children are able to make good academic progress, have good mental well-being, health and happiness. We want every child to strive towards excellent attendance and work hard with pupils, parents and carers to make individual attendance as good as it can be.
Attendance is monitored daily by the Attendance Administration Officer who acts swiftly when attendance becomes a concern.
Explanation of Annual Percentage (%) attendance
Attendance Days missed during a year
100% 00 days
95% 10 days
90% 20 days
85% 30 days
80% 40 days
Attendance under 95% means that a child is missing at least two weeks of learning time in a school year.
Attendance under 90% means that a child is missing four weeks of learning time which will have a significant impact on their learning.
Roles and Responsibilities
Bay Primary School
The Education Welfare Service (EWS)
The EWS works in partnership with schools, parents/carers and children to achieve the best levels of school attendance and punctuality for all students. The EWS works closely with schools and other external agencies in order to promote and improve school attendance and address welfare issues.
The EWS is responsible for: