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Bay Primary School

Making a Splash

Meet the Governors

Our Governors are very involved in the life of the school and it is their job to assist the Headteacher in continuing to raise achievement for all. They meet each term as whole Governing Body and several times a term in different committees, each with a specific focus, e.g. Health and Safety, Finance, Curriculum and Achievement.

Our Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds and professions and are made up of community members, parents and teaching and non teaching staff.

Governors regularly visit school and meet with teachers and subject leaders in order to stay well informed. They are usually represented on recruitment panels and often attend training days. They keep up to date with regular training themselves.

Occasionally vacancies arise for parent Governors and when they do, we will inform you through the school newsletter and website.

Bay Primary School Governor Responsibilities 2022-2023


GovernorDelegated RoleCategoryAppointedTerm of Office
Mr Ben StanyonChair of Governors, Careers and Education VisitsParent16.10.202015.10.2024
Mrs Jane PlaweckiVice Chair of Governors and EYFSCo-opted27.11.201726.11.2025
Miss Lynne DennisChair of Finance, Pupil Premium and MathsCo-opted08.10.202007.10.2024
Mr Jonathan BibbEnglish, Sports Premium, PEParent04.02.202203.02.2026
Mrs Julie MooreSafeguarding, Child Protection, SEND and Well-beingCo-opted21.11.202220.11.2026
Mr Peter RhodesReviewing Governor, Appeals, Behaviour Co-opted05.03.201523.10.2026
Mrs Leah WainesScienceCo-opted29.03.202228.03.2026
Mrs Wendy OrumHealth and Safety, Training LinkCo-opted05.03.201504.02.2024
Mrs Jennifer NorryAttendanceStaff03.05.202202.05.2026
Mr Lloyd EdwardsPupil PremiumCo-opted20.11.202320.11.2027
Mrs Helen Gee Headteacher



Mrs Yvonne BellwoodNon- votingClerk  
Mrs Anita PotterNon-votingSBM  
Mrs Eileen JohnstonChair of GovernorsCo-opted06.03.201823.10.2022


Pecuniary Interests for Governors at Bay Primary School 2022-2023




Business Interest


Financial Interest


Establishment Governor


with other staff

Mr Ben Stanyon NoneNoneNone



Mrs Jane Plawecki



Miss Lynne Dennis



Mr Jonathan Bibb



Mrs Julie Moore



Mr Peter Rhodes



Mrs Leah Waines


NoneNoneNoneStaff member

Mrs Wendy Orum


NoneNoneNoneStaff member
Mrs Jennifer NorryNoneNoneNoneStaff member

Mr Lloyd Edwards



Mrs Helen Gee


YesNoneNone Staff member

