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Bay Primary School

Making a Splash

Spring Term


Faith in Action


A group of Year 5 and 6 children were invited to a Faith in Action event. They were given the opportunity to compile some questions to ask leaders from different faiths. The children then shared the information with their peers in school.

Year 1 visit to The Priory Church

The Year 1 children spent the afternoon exploring the Priory Church. Rev Christine talked to the children about the important features within a church and discussed the artefacts and symbols.

Reception Class visit to the Priory Church


The children visited the Priory Church and Rev Christine spoke to them about the Easter story. The children also took part in a procession around the church to celebrate Palm Sunday.


The children in Year 6 have been learning about the Jewish celebration Passover. They baked the Jewish bread matzo which is a flatbread and is part of Jewish cuisine. It forms an integral element of the Passover festival. 


